Quick post hovering on the edge of the new year.
Gallery director and curator Beverly Yong has written a review of my solo show Boats and Bridges together with Chong Kim Chiew's Isolation House. It's on
kakiseni.com, or click on this linky here to go there:
http://www.kakiseni.com/articles/reviews/MDgwMg.htmlIt's a great article and makes me feel good about the coming year, which is going to be ferocious in many ways. I feel it in my bones.
Headaches and cold sweat thinking about money, deadlines and the possibility of failure. But deep inside I am fearless.
I would like to say thank you to all the friends - the best people a terminally short-of-funds artist could ever ask for. Thank you for the free meals and soft loans, support and laughter. I would do anything for you guys, anything in the world.
Happy New Year.