The Minority
The structural mechanism of government found itself seriously undermined by a tribe of cabalistic cannibals who stumbled upon the pow-wow of power one sultry mid-summer's night at the foot of the great mountain THOOM-THOO.
The minority said: let us eat of human flesh, beginning with my son who married his mother who is still my wife. And the great pow-wow was in furore, but decided to put it to a vote, confident in the collective wisdom of the People, watched over by the benovelent spirits of BOOPABOOPA.
The people spoke as one: We Do Not Condone the Eating of Human Flesh, Go You From Here Never To Return, Else Recount And You Shall Be Granted A Place Amongst Us.
Angry whispers from the minority. 'They challenge us, they challenge our right to existence!.' The minority staked their claim upon the land, producing certificates writ upon tablets of stone in the blood of their domestic animals.
The structural mechanism of government found it had made provisions for the rights of minorities, who would be allowed to practice their culture and language freely, subject to the articles of law as enshrined in the Constitution of DEELIDEELEE.
The minority was accepted into the mechanism of government and sent to the Place Across The River, where they established an agricultural trade base and continued with their cannibalistic practices. They lobbied actively for fair representation in government, to be recognized under the great mountain THOOM-THOO, and for the science of eating human flesh to be included in the school curriculum.
Restaurants were established, cookbooks published, however the due to the number of sons marrying their mothers they become severely inbred and in time began to blame the structural mechanism of government for the decimation of their population. So they declared military rule and in an effort to preserve the strength of their army they imposed temporary emergency measures outlawing the eating of human flesh. They staged a blood-drenched coup upon the structural mechanism of government, established a new Constitution which subscribed to universal rules of love and peace, and outlawed the practice of cannabalism. Although a museum was built to house the relics of their glorious past.