Betta Under The Radar
A broken on-line papier machine
Sunday, June 18, 2006
  Misguided white men who want Asian peacocks
What a bore it is to be in the company of someone who has a stiff and brittle mind. A more dreary way of passing time cannot be conceived. Conversation with such a person is like dropping stones into the water - all hope for some reaction only to see it sink to the bottom, dead with scarcely a ripple to show for it! How much worse is it when they proclaim themselves to be of an open mind, and when they boast of their wide travels and high education? And they insult one's nation - listing one minor vexation after the other - oh the roads are not symetrical, oh the food is too spicy, oh the weather too hot and humid, oh the assistants (locals) who do not bow and scurry at the click of their fingers. They say (with not even the grace to be sheepish about it) that they are here only for the money and 'better opportunities'. Why don't you put on some khakis and sit on an elephant and build yourself a tree-hut, you stinky, one-balled, mysogynistic, racist, condescending, uncivilised, uneducated idiot. Colonialism ended in this country half a century ago. Growl.


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